A is for Angus whose riffs are a hit / He's a grown man in a schoolboy outfit
So begins M Is for Metal!, an irreverent kids' book that's not just for kids. Imagine Dr. Seuss crossed with Spinal Tap and The Simpsons and you're in the ballpark.
Appealing to children's sense of the absurd, plus tickling grown-ups' funny bones with in-jokes about rock stars and their foibles, M is for METAL is one of those books where parents and kids can look at the same page together, and both laugh, but not necessarily at the same thing
Not content with everything else, we decided to help out our pals with their kids book M Is For Metal!
Hell, no one else would publish it, so we did. So it has gone on to be an inner city classic, and reverberating all over the globe while still remaining very underground. The success was such that the boys cooked up two more titles, Never Mind Your P’s & Q’s, Here’s The Punk Alphabet, and A,B,C &W, The Country Alphabet.
You can buy them right here in Australasia and books are also available as ibooks at the Apple iTunes store in the USA.